Monte Carlo Production with the 2016 CMS Scheme

General Steps for Monte Carlo Production

Monte Carlo simulations use statistical Monte Carlo methods on various physical models to predict the results of a particle collision and then simulate the detector response to those particles. For CMS, this is accomplished by using programs like MadGraph and Pythia to calculate differential cross sections and final states, then passing the results to a program like GEANT which simulates the detector response. Most of this can be done using cmsdriver to create automated configuration files.

I preformed a Monte Carlo simulation with two main steps. First, I used MadGraph data cards as inputs for gridpack generation. Then, I used cmsdriver to generate configuration files that used Pythia to finish the calculations and GEANT to simulate the detector response. Additionally, cmsdriver converts the results of this simulation into the miniAOD file format.

Gridpack Creation

A gridpack is a tarball (compressed) file that contains a bunch of calculation results stored in away that can be read with cmsdriver. I have only produced gridpacks using MadGraph, but this can be done with other programs like PowHeg. A detailed guide for this, is the MadGraphGuide. The Genproductions group is in charge of producing gridpacks that are requested by each physics group, their data cards are stored on GitHub, genproductions

Producing a MadGraph gridpack requires four main files: MC_proc_card.dat, MC_run_card.dat, MC_customizecards.dat and MC_extramodels.dat. Examples of these files can be found on the Genproductions GitHub repository. These examples are excellent templates for making gridpacks. Gridpacks can then be produced locally or by submitting to a computing grid. Below is a tutorial based on how I created gridpacks.

MadGraph Gridpack Tutorial

These programs should be run on CERN’s lxplus or Fermilab’s lpc. Gridpacks must be created outside of CMSSW and without cmsenv. To obtain the programs necessary for gridpack creation and some example data cards, please clone my GitHub repository.

git clone

Now, permissions need to be updated in order to run shell scripts

chmod u+x

Then, update to make sure all fifo pipes are directed to /tmp director. Now, a gridpack can be generated using the desired data card.

./ <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location>

For example,

./ Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500 cards/Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500/

Using Cluster to Create Gridpacks

To submit jobs on lxplus and store them locally, use the

./ <memory> <queue for master job> <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location> <queue>

For example,

./ 15000 2nw Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500 cards/Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500/ 8nh

Notes about Creating/Editing Data Cards

When creating or editing data cards, make sure to create four cards with the same name as your repository.


Make sure to list models needed in extra models if generating a sample with something other than the Standard Model. The number of events is listed listed in run_card.dat. When using the gridpacks DO NOT generate more events than what is listed in run_card.dat.

From Gridpacks to MiniAOD

After creating (or obtaining) a gridpack, it must be converted into a MiniAOD sample. To obtain the proper workflow for your specific case, find similar Monte Carlo datasets on the McM website. Then click the icon that looks like a bar graph to view the work flow. Below are details for the 2016 Monte Carlo production process.

The work flow for the 2016 Monte Carlo production process is:

  1. Gridpack (or pythia configuration with cmsdriver)
  2. GEN-SIM
  5. MiniAOD

Each of the next steps involves using to generate configuration files that are then run with cmsRun. The commands to produce these files for various gridpacks are located on the McM website. To obtain the cmsdriver commands, click on the “Get Set Up commands”. You should record the commands for each PrepID in the work flow. For example, I used the Radion_hh_hVVbb MadGraph cards as a template, so I searched for the dataset “Radion_hh_hVVbb*” on McM to find and use the corresponding setup commands. For 2016 Monte Carlo production, the setup commands can be found under the following PrepID’s:

  • RunIISummer15wmLHEGS - These commands use a gridpack to produce GEN-SIM and LHE files
  • RunIISummer16DR80Premix - These commands use GEN-SIM files produce GEN-SIM-RAW files, add in pile-up, and then produce AODSIM files (along with an outdated MiniAOD file)
  • RunIISummer16MiniAODv2 - These commands use AODSIM to produce the up-to-date MiniAOD files

Make sure to change input files to the proper storage location. In particular, make sure that you are using the correct gridpack! For the step adding pile-up, I encountered some difficulties. DAS has recently changed their client, so the pile-up files will need to be manually entered into the cfg file. The tutorial below shows how I created the cmsdriver configuration files.

CMSSW cmsdriver Commands Tutorial

Obtain the proper CMSSW release, clone this repository, and compile.

cmsrel CMSSW_7_1_30
cd CMSSW_7_1_30/src/
git clone
scram b
cd hhMCgenerator

Make sure to copy your gridpack into this directory. Now, obtain the proper python fragments (these should also be included on the McM page).

curl -s --insecure --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/ 
[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ]
scram b

Now modify the python fragment to input the proper grid pack. In CMSSW_X_X_X/src/Configuration/Genproduction/python/ line 5 should be altered to include the gridpack tarball file.

args = cms.vstring('<gridpack_tarball>.tar.xz'),

Also make sure that the fragment contains a number of events less than or equal to the number of events used in the MadGraph cards that produced the gridpack.

Now, a cfg file can be produced using cmsdriver with the python fragment. Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --fileout file:B2G-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-01167.root --mc --eventcontent RAWSIM,LHE --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM,LHE --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --beamspot Realistic50ns13TeVCollision --step LHE,GEN,SIM --magField 38T_PostLS1 --python_filename --no_exec -n 97

Then, use the configuration file to produce GEN-SIM and LHE files.

scram b

If the program runs correctly, you should have a .root file to use with the next step.

Production of GEN-SIM-RAW and AODSIM files requires CMSSW_8_0_21. Obtain this CMSSW release, clone this repository, and compile.

cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_21
cd CMSSW_8_0_21/src/
git clone
scram b
cd hhMCgenerator

Make sure to copy your GEN-SIM and LHE files from the previous step to the new directory.

cp <your_path>/CMSSW_7_1_30/src/hhMCgenerator/B2G-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-01167_inLHE.root .
cp <your_path>/CMSSW_7_1_30/src/hhMCgenerator/B2G-RunIISummer15wmLHEGS-01167.root .

Now, another cfg file can be produced using cmsdriver. Note that the DAS client has changed so you will need to copy the pile up files from step1 --fileout file:Radion_hh_wwwww_M3500_GEN-SIM-RAW.root  --pileup_input "dbs:/Neutrino_E-10_gun/RunIISpring15PrePremix-PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v2-v2/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW" --mc --eventcontent PREMIXRAW --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step DIGIPREMIX_S2,DATAMIX,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:@frozen2016 --nThreads 4 --datamix PreMix --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 97 step2 --filein file:Radion_hh_wwwww_M3500_GEN-SIM-RAW.root --fileout file:B2G-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-Radion_hh_wwww_M3500_AODSIM.root --mc --eventcontent AODSIM --runUnscheduled --datatier AODSIM --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step RAW2DIGI,RECO,EI --nThreads 4 --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 97

Now, use the configuration file to produce GEN-SIM-RAW.

scram b

If the program was successful the output will be Radion_hh_wwwww_M3500_GEN-SIM-RAW.root. Then, use the next configuration file to produce AODSIM.

scram b

Now, there should be B2G-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-Radion_hh_wwww_M3500_AODSIM.root

Next, create the last cfg file using cmsdriver. step1 --fileout file:Radion_hh_wwww_M3500_MiniAOD.root --mc --eventcontent MINIAODSIM --runUnscheduled --datatier MINIAODSIM --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step PAT --nThreads 4 --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 82

Now use the configuration file to produce MiniAOD.

scram b

If the whole process was successful, the output should be Radion_hh_wwww_M3500_MiniAOD.root.


After creating the necessary configuration files using cmsdriver, I created a work flow that utilized crab and stored the simulation files on the LPC using EOS. This is documented on my hhMCgenerator repository.

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