Particle Physicist, Cyclist, Skier, and Italian Enthusiast

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the KIT Insitute for Experimental Particle Physics (ETP) under the supervision of Markus Klute. I am a member of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and a member of the Dector R&D 3 (DRD3) collaboration for semiconductor detector research at CERN. I love collaborating across boarders, exploring new cultures, and sharing my passion for science with the world. To find out more about me and my projects, please enjoy my website.

Silicon Sensors for 4D Tracking

I work on studying novel 4D silicon sensors that have high spatial and temporal resolution. Such sensors could be used in the future of the Large Hadron Collider to provide crucial pile-up discrimination or in future colliders such as the FCC-ee to provide Time-of-Flight information for particle identification. Currently, we are studying the Resistive Silicon Devices (RSD/AC-LGAD) in collaboration with INFN/University of Torino.

Is dark matter 'semivisible'?

I am searching for dark matter in ‘semivisible’ jets with CMS at the LHC. Dark matter may be produced all the time at the LHC but it could be diffuse within collimated streams of particles (jets); thus, showing up as mismeasurements that are simply calibrated away. Searching for such particles requires a detailed understanding of the experiment and careful attention to all energy measurements.

Compact Muon Solenoid

I started working at CMS as an undergraduate researcher in 2013 and became a CMS author in 2020 as a PhD student. I have experience with the Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) for the muon system, boosted jet tagging, and searches for new physics. My current CMS projects include: searching for semivisible jets, co-leading the outer tracker sensor testing at KIT, and assisting in the HGCAL baseplate production.

My Journey

This is a very brief overview of my academic journey—a long road filled with many unexpected, exciting turns. For more details, request my CV or talk to me directly.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

2023 - Present

Post-doctoral Researcher

Supervisor: Markus Klute

University of California, Davis

2017 - 2023

PhD Physics

Supervisor: Robin Erbacher

University of Florida

2012 - 2016

B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics

Summa cum laude

Supervisor: Darin Acosta

Thesis Opportunities

Are you a bachelor's or master's student interested in working with me? Take a look at our KIT-ETP thesis opportunities or contact me directly.

Teaching and Outreach

I have experience in teaching undergraduate students at the University of California, Davis and in teaching graduate students around the world at week long workshops and schools. I have had the unique privilege to mentor Italian high school students while at CERN and to show visitors from around the world the beauty of particle physics.


Dr. Brendan Regnery (he/him/his)
KIT Campus North: Building 401, Room 224
CERN Meyrin Campus: Building 32, Room 32-4-B06
Email: brendan.regnery(at)